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Rick Dilwith

Rick Dilwith

Over the years we have found the most important part of any dental practice transition is the personal and honest communication with both the sellers and the buyers.

THE DILWITH GROUP will assist you in the valuation of your practice, marketing of your practice, and everything necessary to close the transaction.

Rick Dilwith has 20 plus years experience in business sales and the mergers and acquisition field.  Rick has been a licensed  Real Estate Broker in California since 1991. Rick graduated from the State University of New York and has  extensive International Real Estate experience. For four years Rick worked in Australia, Japan and Hong Kong where he negotiated property leases and business sales.  Rick is a member of TED, ideas worth spreading.

If you want experience THE DILWITH GROUP is your California Dental Sales Expert!

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Service, Integrity, Honesty, Communication and Personal Attention make the difference. ©